The irony about all the jubilations and excitement in Africa about Obama's election, as the first minority with half African blood to become the next president of the world's super power, is that, if Obama had grown up in Africa, and at his age, with only two years in the senate, Africa's culture of overextended one man rule would have hindered his rise to leadership!
They would have said, as indeed some tried to do, in the US, that he was too young, too inexperienced, and yes, not a full blood African! Tribalism would have set in! The African paternalistic culture would have prevailed!
Let Africans take a page from Obama's playbook and rallying slogan: "Yes We Can!" and mobilize to put an end to the culture of one man rule! Its redundant, it stifles our best leadership talents for the sake of demagogues and despots.